Project Description

Upload Multiple Formats

Display different file formats & types of digital media. Easily upload and store videos, images, PDFs or Office files. Play YouTube, live video stream or present a web page.


Your videos adapt for precision playback. Your website pages will auto-fit to accommodate any screen resolution and your animation will move seamlessly.

File Security

High-level file and software protection ensures your content is safe. This includes schedule files, SSL, firewall and password policies.

Customised Design

Create and upload widgets, HTML, JavaScript apps or design elements straight onto your display to present key information in real time.

Plug And Play

Just plug in your playbox, and it will automatically connect to an internet connection and startup, preconfigured with your settings.

One To 1,000 In A Flash

Thanks to effortless cloud technology, you can either manage a single display or scale up to ten, one hundred or one thousand if and when you need.

Choose Your Connection

Our software supports Ethernet and Wi-Fi networks including proxies, static IPs and more. Even add a 3G/4G/LTE dongle and go mobile – it’s up to you.

Playbox Included

You will receive a high performing WEWISS playbox for free by signing up to an annual plan.

Size Feature
32″: 1375mm*435mm UHD 4K screens
43″: 1605mm*590mm Slim body design
49″: 1727mm*677mm Reliable stand
Color: black or white
HDMI imput
Cloud software center management platform


Digital Poster is the best replacement for roll-up banners, Traditional writing boards and LED signs. The digital poster technology supports a multitude of differeing video, audio and image formates.
The economical & environmental benefits are clearly demostrable due to the flexbility of it being an advertising medium that can be instantly updated, modified or replaced utilsing the content management software.
This excting new technology is also manufactured with ergonomics at the fore-front, ergonomic features include wheels located at the base, two handle bars and a foldable design